When putting together a worship set, it is important to consider how the keys of the songs will flow from one to the next. Certain keys flow naturally from one to the next which helps minimize distractions by creating a seamless transition between songs. This is important to help maintain the atmosphere of worship that you’ve worked so hard to create. The following is a list of keys that work well together. Typically I try not to change keys more than twice per set. For example, if the first song of the set is in A, I’ll try to pick the next song in A as well. Then, if I change keys after the second song, I’ll go from A to D, and do the next two songs in D. Sometimes it is nice to do the entire set in one key, sort of like a long medley, but if the songs are similar stylistically, then it can become monotonous and drone on for too long. A key change is a good way to lift the set, or change the mood / feeling of the set so that it doesn’t all feel the same. Here are the keys that will work well together:

Key of A: A, D or E

Key of B: B, E or F#

Key of C: C, F or G

Key of D: D, G or A

Key of E: E, A or B

Key of F: F, Bb or C

Key of F#: F# or B

Key of G: G, C or D
